The World Bank Group (World Bank/IFC/MIGA/ICSID, the “WBG”) relies on people like you to ensure that our projects are executed with integrity and benefit the people they are designed to help. If you have a specific concern about possible fraud or corruption involving a WBG project or WBG staff or vendor, please fill out this short form. Provide as much information and detail as you can. This record will help the WBG’s Integrity unit (INT) to properly evaluate your complaint. Thank you for your vigilance.

This is a sample page. You can put pages like these anywhere.

Use content publishing to author new content.

This page uses the "Table of Contents" page template. It's a basic webpage that has a double-wide column and a small right sidebar column.  This template has the child navigation element in the main column under the copy of the webpage. 

In This Section